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Our Caregivers
Licensed. Bonded. Insured

Golden Care team has extensive experience matching caregivers to our clients' needs. We take pride in hiring qualified, compassionate employees who can provide excellent health care to all of our clients. 

Our highly skilled caregivers, who are fully bonded and insured, are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Our services are available on an hourly basis or up to 24 hours to meet all of your health care needs.

Golden Care

understands that our business is represented by the CNAs and caregivers we hire. All of our staff must have the following requirements, although not limited to:

  •    Valid Professional License Verification

  •    Reference Checks

  •    Current Immunization 

  •    Comprehensive Drug Screening

  •    Current CPR and First Aid Certification 

  •    Participation in Continuing Education/In-Service Training

  •    Skills Assessments/Demonstrated Competency

  •    Performance Evaluations

  •    Thorough Interview(s) by Office 

This will ensure that each caregiver will be properly screened before being placed with a client. We understand that selecting the right home care agency to provide services in your home or the home of your loved ones is an important decision, so feel free to call our office at any time to discuss your family’s needs.

If you are interested in becoming a caregiver with Golden Care, please fill out our online application form or call us at (239) 440-2900.
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